Felani, 15 years old Bangladeshi girl. Her father fixed her marry in Bangladesh. So, she is returning to Bangladesh with her father from Nayadilli,India – work place of her father.On Friday, 7th January, 2011 at 6am she and her father was climbing the barbed wire boundary between Bangladesh and Indian border (exact location: International Border No. 947, between 3 and 4 s pillar of Anantapur, Fulbari) using a ladder. Her father, Nuru Mia crossed first. But at the time of Felani’s clothes got entangled in the wire. She was frightened and started screaming. Hearing her scream, the BSF members started shooting at her, at 6.15 am. She was asking for water till her death, about 30 minutes after shooting but nobody there because of the afraid of BSF’s bullets.

The dead body of Felani was tangled in barbed wire around 4 hours. Then the coward Indian Security Force (BSF)’s jowans took away the body at 10:45 am. After 30 hours BSF handover the dead body to BGB (Border Guard Bangladesh).

According to International human rights group Human Rights Watch, in the year 2010 BSF killed 74 Bangladeshis, injured 72 and kidnapped 43 Bangladeshis.
Read:Felani Murder: Follow-up and another Killing Mission by BSF
what was that?how can they do that?are they were out of mind?poor girl…
Very bad. They are man of social or animal of jungle?
Dr. Upol aziz
Sometimes I think we should declare war against India. Thats the only way of telling those BSF that we are not weak. We can take over eastern part of India’s 7 sister provinces very easily. Its just a matter of time.
Nahid Hossain
War is not always the ideal solution, there are lot of ways those can perform better. Like international pressure, legal actions, pressure from human rights group etc.
unbelievable. how can they do that ? They don’t have any human being. 🙁
What kind of father would place his daughter in such danger? This tragedy was easily avoided by taking note of the fact that there is a shoot to kill policy on both sides and a big wire fence is a pretty good hint not to cross it. I see the father got over first and was fine leaving his daughter tangled on the wire…
Rahat Zaman
This is continuation of a few things …BSF atrocity, Indian arrogance (South Block policy) and Bangladesh’s inability to take such issues for a respectable resolution. On the contrary the other idea is to start shooting BSF animals in retaliation whenever they kill Bangladesh nationals or kidnap them. simple. tit for tat policy. once in the past