Dr. Jamal Uddin, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Coppin University , Department of State Natural Sciences along with five undergraduate student researcher have modeled the most efficient solar cell developed upto this posting date. This cell is 43.4% efficient which is four percent more efficient than the previous most efficient simulation, developed by Boeing Company based in California since 2006.
Coppin’s research includes creating cells that act as rechargeable batteries for night vision goggles used by soldiers at war.
Dr. Jamal Uddin and his team utilized the metaphysics software COMSOL and the online software program PC1D to make this world record.
“It is really fantastic and encouraging for our university to achieve such exciting results,” said Dr. Jamal Uddin. “It was a surprising discovery and now we are excited to proceed with further research in nanotechnology.” Dr. Jamal Uddin expects to achieve about 50% conversion efficiency by the december 2010.
The Copping research team will present their new invention to renowned nanotech scientists, scholars and visitors from army research LAB at Detrick, Maryland on Tuesday, October 26,2010.
It should be mentioned that Dr. Jamal Uddin is a Bangladeshi and had his B.Sc and M.Sc in Chemistry from Department of Chemistry, Dhaka University.
Link: Dr. Jamal Uddin at Coppin University